~ Judith Rich ~

“Humanity is already moving into a new paradigm,
even as we are standing in the rubble of the old one's demise.”



We don't have to look too far a field to know that we are witnessing the unraveling of the old order.  Its systems are crumbling, even as those we call "leaders" desperately attempt to keep it going.  It's like the proverbial "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."  No matter how the chairs are arranged, the Titanic is sinking. 

Humanity is already moving into a new paradigm, even as we are standing in the rubble of the old one's demise. In this moment of time, when the chaos and disarray are still mounting and we cannot yet see the formation of what will follow, we can wring our hands and fall into fear, which is how the old domination model has maintained control throughout human history.  Or, we can turn our eyes toward building a future that embodies the principles of "we're all in this together, how can we best serve humanity and the planet?" instead of "how can I profit and benefit at all costs?"

Creating a future that works for everyone and not just the privileged few will require a major shift in consciousness on the part of those who stand to benefit the most by maintaining the old order.  It will require a shift in how we view the world and our place in it, how we view our relationship with the earth itself and whether or not we have a responsibility to serve the earth vs. pillaging its resources, including ourselves, into oblivion.

Do we really want to perpetuate the old paradigm espoused by those who say that we are not here to serve the earth, the earth is here to serve us?  This is the epitome of the old paradigm, crafted in a time when the human population could be measured in thousands instead of billions.  That kind of thinking long ago outlived its relevance and clearly will not serve humanity going forward.

In our awakening to the work that lies ahead for all of humanity, it is imperative that we get what is being required of us now.  We can no longer "live by the sword" as of old.  Our "sword," in all of its iterations, from bombs to pepper spray, is being blunted and replaced with awareness.

Humanity is coming out of its collective slumber and beginning the journey through its own birth canal.  We are in the labor pains of delivering ourselves to an entirely new way of relating to ourselves, one another and the planet.  In the process, each of us is being called to awaken our own sleeping giant within.

Having just crossed a major threshold in my own life, turning 70 this year, I am aware as never before of the unlived life still awaiting my discovery.  I know that I am here to be part of this grand unfolding wherein together, we human beings step up and into a higher expression of consciousness.  In this new paradigm, the awakened giant becomes Cupid, using love as the only weapon necessary for the healing of humanity and a return to wholeness.

I welcome this transformative process along with its birth pains.  It is our collective labor of love and we are all here to be midwives in the process. It's time to scrub up and begin delivery.  Our future is about to arrive.



Dr. Judith Rich
is a pioneering teacher in the field of transformation and consciousness.  For over thirty-five years, her work has focused on the awakening of one’s dormant inner resources, empowering profound personal and professional breakthroughs for individuals and organizations throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and South America.  As a therapist, transformational seminar leader, speaker, writer, and high performance coach, Judith marries her depth of wisdom and insight, with passion, humor and sensitivity to empower individuals in awakening to the brilliance of who they are.  In 2004, Judith created The Spirit of Woman© empowerment retreats as an outgrowth of her own personal journey into the realm of the Sacred Feminine.

Her website is “Rx For the Soul”  www.judithrich.com


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