All Is Well At The Center
Inspiration for Souls on the Path
from Moyra Irving
"What exciting times we live in!" Moyra Irving affirms in the introduction to her new book, Take Me to the Mountain. "Today is perhaps the most interesting time in the history of the world, when humanity is beginning to raise its gaze and look beyond the obvious and mundane. We stand on the brink of a new soul-aware civilisation. You and I now have an extraordinary opportunity to demonstate our power as living souls and together change the world for the better."
"Humanity," she asserts, "having sunk to the very depths of materialism, is now in desperate need of a return to its Soul... Our challenge today is to recognise the spiritual in everything and everyone and to know that to grow spiritually there is actually no need to be anywhere other than where you are now—for the spiritual path is your own life.
Gathering Wave Press is pleased to present a taste of the wisdom found in this book along with paintings by the author. Her art offers viewers glimpses of the inner light of the Path; her writings inspire readers to find the light at the center of their being—that place where all is well. |
"Coming Home—II" |
Peace is only a thought away... When you enter your place of silence, time stands still and you touch the Peace of Eternity.
"Flame of Silence" |
Draw deeply from the Well of Silence. Now and then throughout the day take a minute's silence in remembrance of your Self... All is well at the Centre... Let there be no beginning, nor end to your consciousness.
Recognize the Christ, the Ever-Loving One within you and express it. Recognize the Christ, the Ever-Living One in another.
"Earth Watch"
Walk joyfully into the Light of the New Day. I AM THE LIGHT Be light in your dealings with others—not superficial but light. Your light can penetrate the heaviest heart and the dullest mind.
Straight is the Path. Walk lightly upon it... Your fires of purification are beacons of hope, so rest in their warmth And know that, despite everything, all proceeds well.
"Rose Light"
Open and receive My Love... And call to the souls of those who are ready to be made whole.

"Fiery Love"
Each secret thought of love, each silent act of service is known to Us. Be steadfast, be silent, yet be ready to speak for Us. Be watchful and we show Ourselves to you.
"Coming Home"
Make known My Presence. Work to alleviate suffering as I work to alleviate yours. Be My Eyes, My Ears, My Hands, My Voice.
Moyra Irving is a writer, artist, healer and spiritual counselor. A member of the College of Healing and the British Holistic Medical Association, Moyra describes her work of the past 30 years as dedicated to ‘soul-centered living’ and the recognition that we are all divine. In addition to her book, Take Me to the Mountain: Discovering the You that Never Dies, she has produced numerous CDs on spiritual growth. She also co-founded The Extra Guest (‘Food for All’) charity and the Centre for Spiritual Growth and Healing, and the Free Healing Clinic in the UK. |