One Humanity

"For the first time in our long evolutionary journey, humanity is starting to become aware of itself as one species, one kingdom in nature, one family, with a shared history and destiny."
When the Soul Awakens, 208
A Vision of One Humanity
One of the fundamental principles of the Ageless Wisdom is that consciousness evolves. These teachings reveal that everything in the universe is impacted by the forces of evolution—from single-celled organisms to human beings, civilizations, planets, and galaxies. Offering insight into the seemingly opposing views of modern scientists and “creationists,” the teachings explain that evolution occurs both on the level of physical forms and on the level of consciousness, all in alignment with an evolutionary plan held in “the mind of God.”
While evolutionary biologists have focused on the form side of life, far less is known about the evolution of the “unit of consciousness” that is the human soul. And yet, as stated by Rudolf Steiner, “Everything on earth is subject to the laws of evolution and this is particularly true for the human soul.” In the past, the only evidence we had of the evolutionary progress of the soul was in the form of those rare individuals who were called sages and seers, prophets and saints, and who were widely seen as anomalies. In our time, there is growing evidence that the collective soul of humanity is evolving from one level of consciousness to another.
It was predicted long ago in the wisdom teachings that humanity was on the brink of a new age—a new stage in human consciousness that would be reflected in an emerging awareness of the oneness of humanity and all of life. It was said that this awareness, born of the soul’s awakening to its true nature, would infuse the collective psyche of the human family. A deepening of soul awareness would eventually produce a transformation of consciousness leading to fundamental changes in human behavior. We would see a time when self-centeredness, greed and competition would give way to a genuine concern for others, a voluntary sharing of resources, and a spirit of cooperation.
Since 2001, the soul of humanity has increasingly emerged into view, particularly in areas such as philanthropy and humanitarian aid. In the American media, there has been a conspicuous increase in reported acts of altruism and compassion. Evening newscasts on network TV now commonly feature stories that highlight heroic and often sacrificial actions undertaken by individuals for the good of others. Such stories reflect the soul’s awareness of the oneness of human life.
Now, this growing realization of oneness—of unity in diversity—is about to be broadcast live to the world through the medium of film. On May 10, 2008, designated “Pangea Day,” people will be invited to see the world through each others’ eyes—through the lenses of independent filmmakers across the globe. The name of the event evokes a mythical time 250 million years ago when it is said that the land mass of our planet consisted of one supercontinent. Pangea (meaning all-earth or one-earth) reflects the vision of the event: to overcome the fragmentation and division currently threatening our planet by creating a communal experience for the world and by the world.
The visionary behind this global event is filmmaker Jehane Noujaim, the daughter of an American mother and an Egyptian-Syrian-Lebanese father. The event reflects her personal understanding of the need to overcome cultural barriers and her intimate knowledge of the power of film to stir the human heart. Until now, that power has been restricted to those few who have had access to expensive technologies and exclusive networks. The goal of Pangea Day is to allow thousands of independent filmmakers to tell their own stories (5 minutes each) and to have the entire world watch simultaneously through TV broadcasts of events held at 8 different global venues and through the Internet. The hope is to create a new foundation for a global community.
Pangea Day represents a new milestone in the spirit of “the one humanity” as manifested through new global technologies. A similar milestone occurred in 1985 with the “U.S.A. for Africa” concert that was televised around the world. Like other concerts of that time, its goal was to focus the attention of the world on world need. The main song composed for that event—“We are the World” (“we are the children”)—left an indelible imprint on the minds of people attuned to the spirit of oneness. Pangea Day is an effort to make further inroads in that direction, utilizing the unique potencies of film to touch the minds and hearts of humanity as a whole.
Afterthoughts - following the May 10th event:
Watching the full 4 hours of Pangea Day events was often enriching, though at times exhausting—not only physically but also emotionally. Spiritually—as reflected in the blog ( from viewers from around the world—Pangea Day was a memorable experience and, for many, a life-changing one.
Towards the end of the event, one of the presenters used the phrase “global souls” to describe the participants: filmmakers, musicians, organizers, and viewers. What was advertised as “the day the world comes together” was an encouraging beginning. You could sense the potential of millions of souls gathered together, attuning to a shared consciousness (for just a few hours), and realizing that fundamental change can occur—starting from within.
One viewer from Egypt wrote afterward: “I hope… Pangea Day becomes an opportunity for people to change from passive recipients of information and images, to agents of change in their everyday lives.”
Pangea Day:
News Flashes
Symbol of One Humanity
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