Shared Wisdom
We dedicate this webpage to the sharing of wisdom from readers—wisdom that comes from the crucible of spiritual living. Below are “sparks of light” in what we hope will become a living flame—the collective radiance of many kindred souls. Each new light, each inspired thought, can lead us closer to the same timeless goal—an understanding of the nature of the human soul. We trust that this sharing of wisdom will help to illumine the path at this crucial moment in human evolution.

Timeless Reflections
I am a wave on the ocean of life.
Somewhere in the fathomless depths
I am born into the earth.
Part of the whole, yet distinctly individual.
Unique in my appointed purpose.
Pulsating as life moves on,
I gather momentum.
And then in the ripeness of time,
Make my splash on the sands of life.
Then gently flow back to the source
From whence I came.
Helga Torda Reston VA
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The Awakening of Earth
Standing together
on the threshold of time
between a past that is dying
and a future yet blind
endless rounds
of sorrow and pain
having wrought their work
not being in vain
eternal longing
from ages untold
piercing the darkness
becoming bold
rising from the labyrinth
transcending the mind
echoing down
the corridors of time
door after door
opening wide
veil after veil
drawing aside
once-blind eyes
beginning to see,
ancient wounds healing,
hearts breaking free
leaving behind
human pride and fear
finally now
peace draws near
recalling the promise
made long ago
the moment approaching
for all Creation to know
the expectant universe
waiting to hail
the great gift emerging
from Earth’s travail
mighty companions
wise ones of old
blessing the moment
their truth now told
destiny approaching
from the farther shore
the shadows giving way
death is no more
joy and pain
penetrating deep
loving surrender
unquestioning, complete
from the Earth’s body
battered and torn
a new truth coming forth
new reality born
revealing the mystery
of body and soul
the great web of life
becoming whole
oh wondrous emergence
oh gift of grace
come joyful reunion
come sacred embrace
all beings of the Earth
children of the Sun
blessed awakening
we know we are one!
Betsy MacGregor Whidbey Island, WA
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The Eagle
Free as an Eagle flies am I.
And like the Eagle - soar I through the heavens and see the whole, the Earth as One.
Her peoples and her lands, her winds and seas
unite in one vast tapestry of Life.
And where discordant energies are viewed
the fabric warps, and maybe rents.
And then the Seamstress comes with Golden Thread
to join the Fields of Light
through which the realms of nothingness protrude.
And from my Eagle’s Eye - I see these scars
that once enveloped Earth in such unseemly fashion
have all been touched by Golden Light that healeth all.
And no place rests upon this perfect Jewel that’s not starlit
with crystalline perfection
that was ignited and brought forth - from inside out as all the wounds were healed and Freedom’s Song was heard across the land
that knew itself once more as Love.
Sananjaleen June Hughes
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Energy Unseen
Have you been there?
The center where no hate lives?
Where there is naught but Love?
Have you felt It?
Raw-sun radiant joy?
Love that never needs an object?
On all and e’er it shines,
a Love that births compassion
where land our earthly eyes.
We think we’re out just walking
in sun or clouds hung low
while we swim through seas of color,
through vibrations high and low.
We see not yet the truth of it
Our sighted eyes are blind
to energies that buoy us—
and those that only bind.
Sharon K. Richards, author Word Songs from My Soul
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My soul can share the knowledge of the ages! All truth can soul unlock! And me? I wind the clock.
I go about my business eating apples, cooking eggs. I dust the mantle, vacuum floors while my soul just waits and wonders why I ignore its call.
Meditation place sits empty
cuz I must clean the hall— and answer all my email and call my mother soon and pay all bills outstanding and rush to make the bridge game that starts at half past noon.
Human need lies out there. God’s Plan all dusty waits. But I must clean my closet before the clock strikes eight.
And then, of course, there’s laundry and news at six and ten, phone calls to schedule check ups then calls to all my friends.
A walk to keep me healthy, concealer to hide the flaws. Don’t forget to shower wash my hair and trim my paws.
Turn up and down the music. Where do the hours go? I have accomplished nothing toward the purpose of my soul.
Sharon K. Richards, author Word Songs from my Soul
See also: