New Morning for the World
The poems of Don Turner capture this momentous time in evolution with rare spiritual insight.
The poet makes an impassioned plea for us to awaken to the new world of light and enter it consciously, courageously and unreservedly.

A New Morning for the World
It's early morning on a new day for the earth A tangible peace pervades that soothes and gives hope Somehow, despite the strife and conflict in the world A hushed calm is present and a presence unannounced Is here now in this moment like a savior. If we can leave our old mind and be open We will notice a new light that is breaking through We've heard about this new time The prophets and sages have told us that it's coming Why should we be surprised when the first rays appear Yet it is something different, a new world Can be felt in the light emerging And a new age for the earth It's time to let our conflicts go It's time to take control back from those who would mislead us It's time to affirm brotherhood and the rights of all to life It's time to affirm our oneness And our union with the spiritual world emerging now The age of separation is over The birth of the divine Light is happening now.
Just a random moment in time − that changes everything
If you were just calmly sitting in your chair When a shimmering light began to cohere before you, Until within its brightening glow A radiant man materialized And lo, he said, Blessings, I bring you tidings And remembrance of who you really are And of the work you are to do. And then he described to you the true nature Of this life and world, so different from the earthly view. Would you say no this couldn't be That you prefer the dreams of earth when You might awaken? So is it when we are touched by spirit And realize that there is another level of reality And truth more real behind this worldly skein. What choice really is there between truth and dreams, Between true life and worldly glamours? And though your neighbors, family and friends said no That couldn't be, who would you believe? The testimony of the blind and confused Or your eyes, your heart and your spirit That together attest the truth. Religions aren't just for the hoary past The truth therein is still true And though our modern world Has forgotten the ancient living gods They are still there, waiting Until it's time for us To awaken.

"Christ Healing the Leper" by Herman Rednick
Prayer for Humanity
O Lord, save us! Save us from our inhumanity, Our violence, our complacency, Our selfishness and sloth. Save us from our comforts, our distractions, Our foolishness and our fear. Save us from old habits and ingrained thoughts, From ugliness, from hatred, from ignorance, From our small lives and petty concerns. The world cries out, we suffer, We harm ourselves and know not how to live. We know not what we reach out to But we call out in our pain, grief and dismay- O Lord help us! We suffer and reach out to You! Help us to do our part, To give up old ways And open to Your Will for us, That we may act with love and concern for all To become who we truly are As expressions of Your Life, To give our life to You And fulfill Your Plan for the Earth.
From Out of Darkness
Who is it in darkest night, alone Standing on the rock, the stillness pervasive, Embracing life shining through the starry vault above Lost to any personal sense or thought Yet withal, turning back to earth Hearing the woeful cries of supplication and despair Embracing all earth life in His heart Pouring into each one love and light Extending to each a guiding ray Knowing each will awake from the bondage of form From the voyage through temporal life. We have been lost and alone, The unspoken truth hidden and disguised But we are sensing the light, feeling the love And reaching for the hand proffered Looking around will see we are not alone. In the pale light of a virgin dawn The hush of an angel host can be felt Moving within, preparing for this long planned–for time Carrying out His Plan, waiting for the moment when The veil will be drawn back for all to see A new world of light breaking upon the earth!

"Master and Disciple" by Herman Rednick
The Truth
Unless it is eternal it is not the Truth But a passing thought, Unless it's beautiful it is not the Truth But an emotion formed in fear and ignorance, Unless it lives, inspires and gives life It is not the Truth but a falsehood and a dream, Unless it radiates love, joy and peace It is not the Truth, but another human conception — That the world is full of such truths Only shows us the nature of our world — Yet we may awaken — the spirit prompts us. When we look at the horrors around us The spirit says awaken to your Truth — This needn't be so. Suffering is a divine mechanism that prompts us to let go, To heed the call of humanity's cries And free ourselves. We have let ourselves be controlled by fear But the Truth is we can't be harmed and are eternal — Embrace this Truth and live Express your Truth and Be Sing your song, and add your note to the divine chorus. The Truth isn't found in words but in the spirit prompting In the moment, now, Open up, free your mind, and journey forth, And as the changing colors of the living sky Reflect the Truth and Beauty of Life, Embody it and let It perfect you.
Don Turner is a therapist and theosophist who lives in Seattle, Washington. The poems that appear above are part of a collection entitled, "The Pregnant Silence." [donkturner@comcast.net]
Herman Rednick (1902-1985) was a visionary artist and spiritual teacher of the path of love and service. Information about his paintings & writings and meditation center in northern New Mexico can be found at: fireintheheart.net and earthjourney.org