In Transition

This page is dedicated to reflections on our time of transition from one era to another—one stage of consciousness to another. It is a time when thinking people are challenged, perhaps as never before, to make sense of a rapidly shifting reality. The world that we have always known is changing dramatically from day to day. Violent weather wreaks havoc with our outer lives, while escalating human violence gnaws away at our inner lives. Increasingly, living on Mother Earth feels like living inside a pressure-cooker.
These times appear designed to force us to look within—to think more deeply about who we are and where we are headed as a species. The essays on this page represent a sampling of our collective search. The authors are people who have pondered the meaning of the passage we are making and what this journey may be leading toward. Each individual offers a different lens through which to perceive the spiritual and material world challenges we are facing. Each presents a unique facet of the reality that humanity can create as we work in cooperation with one another and with the Higher Forces guiding our planet's evolution.
The first essays appear below. Other contributions will be added over time. Posted June '08